Class 11- The Address Summary and Full Analysis

The Address by Marga Minco

Chapter 2, Marga Minco’s ‘The Address’ Summary, Theme, Character Sketch, Important Passages, Textbook Question Answers with Extra Questions.

Chapter 2- The Address by Marga Minco:

More from Class XI: Class 11- POEMS , Class 11- PROSE


Antique: A collectable object, typically at least 100 years old.
Chink: A narrow opening, such as in a door.
Crockery: Earthenware or pottery, especially domestic utensils.
Fleetingly: For a very short time; briefly.
Hanukkah: A Jewish festival commemorating the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem.
Musty: Stale, damp, and often having a mouldy smell.
Pewter: A grey tin alloy with copper and antimony for making utensils.
Poignant: Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.
Pondered: To think carefully, especially before deciding or reaching a conclusion.
Probable: Likely to be accurate or to happen.
Reprovingly: In a manner that expresses disapproval or criticism.
Severed: Cut off from something, especially with force.

Summary “The Address”:

Marga Minco’s “The Address” tells the story of a daughter from Jewish background who returns to Holland after World War II to retrieve her mother’s belongings from a woman named Mrs. Dorling. During the war, Mrs. Dorling had taken the items for safekeeping. When the daughter visits Mrs. Dorling’s house, she feels uneasy seeing her mother’s possessions in a different setting. 

Despite the memories they evoke, she decides not to take anything back, realising that the objects have lost their meaning and connection to her past. She resolves to leave the past behind and move on with her life, forgetting the address and the painful memories associated with it.

Theme “The Address”:

Pre-Post War Memories: Letting Go of the Past:

“The Address” by Marga Minco explores themes of memory, loss, and moving on. The story highlights the emotional impact of the Holocaust on survivors as the daughter searches for her mother’s belongings. She finds that the objects, once full of personal and sentimental value, no longer hold the same significance when seen in a different setting. 

This realisation shows how memories and the past can be painful and how clinging to physical objects may not bring comfort. Ultimately, the daughter decides to leave the items behind and move forward with her life, illustrating the theme of letting go and the difficulty of reconciling with a traumatic past.

Character Sketch “The Address” by Marga Minco:

1. Character Sketch of the Narrator/ Daughter/ Speaker/ Protagonist: 

The narrator in “The Address” is a complex character wrestling with the aftermath of the Holocaust and the loss of her mother. Her journey to reclaim her past reveals her deep sense of nostalgia, grief, and resilience. 

1. Background:

  • Jewish Survivor: The narrator is a Jewish woman who survived the Holocaust.
  • Post-War Returnee: After the war, she returns to Holland to retrieve her mother’s belongings and reconnect with her past.

2. Personality Traits:

  • Determined: Despite the emotional toll, she journeys to recover her past.
  • Observant: She notices details about her mother’s belongings and the changes in her surroundings.
  • Reflective: She often reflects on her past, memories, and the impact of the war.
  • Resilient: She shows strength in facing painful memories and the changes in her life.
  • Emotionally Complex: When confronted with her mother’s possessions in a different context, the narrator experiences various emotions, from nostalgia and sadness to discomfort and detachment.
  • Decisive: Despite her emotional attachment to the items, she chooses not to reclaim them. This decision shows her willingness to let go of the past and move forward with her life.
  • Symbolic of Post-War Generation: As a representative of the post-war generation, the narrator symbolises the struggle to come to terms with the aftermath of war, loss, and displacement.
  • Sensitive to Change: She is sensitive to how time and circumstances have changed her perception of familiar objects and places, illustrating her evolving understanding of memory and belonging.

3. Emotions and Motivations:

  • Nostalgic: She feels a deep connection to her past and the items that belonged to her mother.
  • Grieving: She experiences a profound sense of loss and sadness over her mother’s absence and the life that was disrupted by the war.
  • Anxious: She is apprehensive about confronting the remnants of her past.
  • Resolute: By the end of the story, she decides to leave the past behind and move forward.

4. Relationships:

  • Mother: The narrator had a close relationship with her mother, whose memory and belongings are central to her journey.
  • Mrs. Dorling: An acquaintance of her mother who took her belongings for safekeeping during the war but with whom the narrator has a strained interaction.

5. Experiences:

  • War Impact: The Holocaust and war have profoundly affected her, shaping her present actions and emotions.
  • Encounter with Mrs. Dorling: She visits Mrs. Dorling’s house to revist her mother’s house and belongings but finds herself unable to connect with the past meaningfully.

6. Actions:

  • Visit to Mrs. Dorling: She goes to the address her mother gave her, hoping to retrieve their belongings.
  • The Decision to Move On: After seeing her mother’s belongings in a different setting, she decides to leave them behind and not return.

7. Internal Conflict:

  • Desire vs. Reality: She wants to reconnect with her past and her mother through the belongings, but the reality of seeing them in a different setting makes her realise that the connection has been irreversibly altered.

2. Character Sketch of Mrs. Dorling: 

Mrs Dorling in “The Address” is characterised by opportunism, manipulation, and self-interest rather than compassion or genuine concern for others. Her actions contribute to the story’s exploration of loss, betrayal, and the complexities of human relationships during and after wartime.

1. Practical and Opportunistic: Mrs. Dorling takes advantage of wartime chaos to acquire valuable items from the narrator’s mother, claiming to protect them but benefiting herself.

2. Self-Interested: Her actions are driven by self-interest rather than genuine concern for others. She uses the pretext of safeguarding belongings to justify taking them for personal gain.

3. Cunning and Manipulative: She manipulates the narrator’s mother into letting her take valuable items, portraying herself as a protector while subtly exploiting the situation.

4. Distant and Dismissive: When the narrator reconnects with her later, Mrs. Dorling shows little recognition or empathy, indicating a lack of genuine connection or concern for their past relationship.

5. Symbol of Loss and Betrayal: Mrs Dorling represents how wartime conditions and personal motives can lead to exploitation and betrayal, severing trust between acquaintances.

6. Ambiguous Motivations: Her true intentions remain unclear throughout the story, leaving room for interpretation regarding her actions and motivations.

3. Character Sketch of Narrator’s Mother:

The story “The Address” highlights the narrator’s mother’s protective nature, trustfulness, nostalgia, resilience, and symbolic role in the narrative.

1. Protective and Caring: The narrator’s mother is portrayed as protective and caring, particularly towards her belongings and memories. She values her possessions and wants to preserve them despite the wartime uncertainties.

2. Trustful: She initially trusts Mrs. Dorling, an old acquaintance who offers to safeguard her belongings during the war. This trust highlights her vulnerability and belief in the goodness of others during a tumultuous time.

3. Nostalgic: The mother is nostalgic about her past life and belongings, significant reminders of happier times before the war disrupted their lives. Her attachment to these objects reflects her longing for stability and familiarity.

4. Resigned: As the war progresses, the mother becomes resigned to losing her possessions and perhaps even anticipates never seeing them again. This resignation highlights her acceptance of the harsh realities of wartime.

5. Survivor: Despite her challenges and losses, the mother survives the war and its aftermath, symbolising resilience and strength in adversity. Her survival instinct extends not only to physical endurance but also to emotional endurance through memories.

6. Symbol of Loss and Memory: The mother symbolises loss and memory in the story through her belongings and their memories. Her experiences reflect the broader impact of the Holocaust on individuals and families.

7. Generous: The mother’s willingness to share her belongings with Mrs Dorling, despite the risks and uncertainties, suggests a generous nature and a desire to protect what is valuable to her, even at personal cost.

Questions Answers “The Address” by Marga Minco:

Textbook Question Answers:

Q1: ‘Have you come back?’ said the woman. ‘I thought that no one had come back.’ Does this statement give some clue about the story? If yes, what is it? 

A1: Yes, this woman’s statement suggests a clue about the story’s context. It implies that during a significant period, possibly after a war or a difficult time, many people did not return to their homes or were presumed lost. 

Mrs Dorling’s surprise that someone has returned indicates that the speaker’s visit is unexpected and possibly rare. This clue hints at a historical backdrop of upheaval, loss, and displacement, where people faced uncertain fates and families were separated. It sets the stage for exploring themes of resilience, memory, and the impact of historical events on personal lives. 

The statement suggests that the speaker’s return to investigate their past is uncommon, highlighting the enduring effects of a challenging period on individuals and communities.

Q2: The story is divided into pre-War and post-War times. What hardships do you think the girl underwent during these times? 

A2: The girl in the story likely faced many hardships during the pre- and post-war periods. Before the war, the growing tension and fear of what would come might have disrupted her life. 

During the war, she and her family probably experienced displacement, losing their home and being separated from loved ones. They may have faced scarcity of food, danger, and the constant threat of persecution, mainly if they were targeted groups like Jews.

After the war, returning to find her old life in ruins would have been emotionally challenging. She had to cope with the loss of family members, friends, and her home. Rebuilding her life in a new, unfamiliar place would also have been difficult, filled with the pain of memories and the struggle to move on.

Q3: Why did the narrator of the story want to forget the address? 

A3: The narrator wanted to forget the address because visiting it brought back painful memories. The house at 46 Marconi Street contained belongings that reminded her of her mother and past. 

However, seeing these familiar items in a strange and oppressive atmosphere made her feel uncomfortable and sad. The objects, which once had happy associations, now felt out of place and upsetting. 

By forgetting the address, the narrator aims to let go of these painful memories and move on with her life. Forgetting the address symbolised her desire to leave behind the emotional burden of the past and find peace in the present.

Q4: ‘The Address’ is a story of the human predicament that follows war. Comment.

A4: “The Address” is a story about people’s struggles after a war. The narrator returns to find her mother’s belongings, which were taken for safekeeping during the war. However, these items now evoke painful memories instead of comfort. 

The war caused loss, displacement, and a profound change in people’s lives. The narrator’s visit to Mrs. Dorling’s house shows how even familiar objects can become sources of distress when associated with traumatic events. 

The story highlights how war affects physical lives, emotional well-being, relationships, and memories. It portrays the challenge of moving forward while dealing with the heavy burden of the past, showing the long-lasting impact of war on individuals.

Extra Questions “The Address” by Marga Minco

Short Answer Type Questions: 

Q1: Why does the protagonist visit Mrs. Dorling’s house?

A1: The protagonist visits Mrs. Dorling’s house to retrieve her mother’s belongings, which Mrs. Dorling had taken for safekeeping during the war. She is driven by curiosity and a desire to reconnect with memories of her past despite the emotional difficulty it presents.

Q2: How does the woman at the door react when the protagonist identifies herself?

A2: The woman at the door reacts with suspicion and wariness when the protagonist identifies herself. She claims not to recognise the protagonist, speaks evasively, and tries to avoid any conversation. Ultimately, she closes the door on the protagonist, indicating a reluctance to engage or acknowledge her identity.

Q3: What specific item of clothing confirms to the protagonist that she is at the right house?

A3: The green knitted cardigan the woman is wearing confirms to the protagonist that she is at the right house. The cardigan, with its pale wooden buttons from frequent washing, had belonged to the protagonist’s mother, indicating that the woman was Mrs. Dorling.

Q4: What reason did the protagonist’s mother give for allowing Mrs. Dorling to take their belongings?

A4: The protagonist’s mother allowed Mrs. Dorling to take their belongings because Mrs. Dorling insisted she wanted to save the nice things from being lost if they had to leave. She argued that each time she took something, she risked her safety to protect their possessions.

Q5: How does the protagonist feel when she sees the familiar objects in Mrs. Dorling’s house?

A5: When the protagonist sees the familiar objects in Mrs. Dorling’s house, she feels a mix of recognition and oppression. In a strange and tasteless setting, the objects evoke discomfort and a sense of loss, making her realise their value and connection to her past life are irretrievably lost.

Q6: What decision does the protagonist make after she visits Mrs. Dorling’s house?

A6: After visiting Mrs. Dorling’s house, the protagonist decides not to return or retrieve any belongings. She resolves to forget the address and move on, recognising that the objects have lost their significance and connection to her past when seen in unfamiliar surroundings.

Q7: How does the protagonist describe her feelings about returning to familiar places after the war?

A7: The protagonist feels reluctant and uneasy about returning to familiar places after the war. She fears being overwhelmed by memories and prefers not to see streets and houses that remind her of a precious, lost time. The sight of these places would evoke painful emotions and memories.

Q8: What was the girl’s response when asked if her mother was home during the protagonist’s second visit?

A8: During the protagonist’s second visit, the girl responds that her mother is not home and is out running an errand. She invites the protagonist inside to wait for her mother, leading the protagonist to enter and recognise more of her family’s belongings in the house.

Q9: How does the protagonist feel about how the familiar objects are arranged in Mrs. Dorling’s house?

A9: The protagonist feels uncomfortable and oppressed by how the familiar objects are arranged in Mrs. Dorling’s house. The strange atmosphere, tasteless arrangement, and ugly furniture make the objects lose their sentimental value, leaving the protagonist distressed and uneasy about seeing them in this unfamiliar setting.

Q10: What does the protagonist notice about the tea table during her second visit to Mrs. Dorling’s house?

A10: During her second visit to Mrs. Dorling’s house, the protagonist notices the woollen tablecloth on the tea table. She recognises its pattern and finds the burn mark that had never been repaired. This evokes memories of her past but feels strange and unsettling in the unfamiliar setting.

Q11: How does the protagonist feel about the risk Mrs. Dorling takes when she takes items from their house?

A11: The protagonist initially feels uneasy about Mrs. Dorling taking items from her mother’s house, recognising the risks involved. Doubting Mrs Dorling’s intentions to protect their belongings during the war, the protagonist is conflicted, sensing a loss of connection to her past through the dispersal of these meaningful possessions.

Q12: What significance does the iron Hanukkah candle holder have in the story?

A12: The iron Hanukkah candle holder in Mrs. Dorling’s house symbolises continuity and tradition amidst upheaval. It represents a cultural and religious artefact that survives despite wartime hardships, linking the protagonist to her Jewish identity and heritage. Its presence highlights the persistence of memory and tradition despite the war’s disruptions.

Q13: How does the protagonist’s perception of Mrs. Dorling change from their first encounter to the second visit?

A13: Initially wary and distant, the protagonist’s perception of Mrs. Dorling evolves from suspicion to a nuanced understanding. During the second visit, seeing familiar objects in Mrs. Dorling’s care fosters empathy and appreciation for her role in preserving memories. This shift reflects a more profound recognition of shared wartime experiences and resilience.

Q14: Why does the protagonist hesitate to touch or interact with the objects in Mrs. Dorling’s house during her second visit?

A14: During her second visit, the protagonist hesitates to touch or interact with the objects in Mrs. Dorling’s house due to conflicting emotions stirred by their displacement. The objects evoke memories of a distant and altered past, making her reluctant to confront the loss and changes wrought by the war.

Q15: How does the protagonist’s decision to forget the address symbolise her emotional journey in the story?

A15: The protagonist’s decision to forget the address symbolises her emotional journey of closure and moving forward. It signifies her acceptance that revisiting the past, represented by the objects and memories associated with the address, only brings pain and disconnect. Letting go symbolises her resolve to embrace a new, unburdened future.

Q16: Describe the significance of the burn mark on the tablecloth to the protagonist.

A16: The burn mark on the tablecloth holds significance for the protagonist as a tangible reminder of the ordinary yet cherished moments from her past. It represents imperfection and resilience, symbolising how life and memory endure despite hardship and loss, grounding her in a personal history she is reluctant to let go of.

Q17: How does the story’s theme of loss and recovery manifest through the protagonist’s interactions with Mrs. Dorling?

A17: The theme of loss and recovery manifests as the protagonist confronts the aftermath of war through Mrs. Dorling’s actions. Mrs. Dorling’s preservation of the protagonist’s family belongings reflects a desire to safeguard memories amid loss. This interaction highlights resilience in salvaging fragments of the past amidst the upheaval of wartime displacement.

Q18: What do the events in the story indicate about the challenges of remembering and establishing one’s identity after a war?

A18: The story suggests that memory and identity become complex and intertwined in the aftermath of war. Memories are fragmented and sometimes painful, yet they anchor individuals to their past. Identity is shaped by what is remembered and lost, reflecting the enduring struggle to reconcile personal history with the upheaval of war.

Long Answer Type Questions: 

Q1: How does the motif of belongings and memory play a pivotal role in the protagonist’s journey of self-discovery and closure?

A1: In “The Address” by Marga Minco, belongings symbolise the protagonist’s connection to her past and healing journey. When she visits Mrs. Dorling’s house, she confronts objects that belonged to her mother, triggering memories and emotions long buried since the war. 

These belongings serve as tangible links to her lost family and former life, yet they also represent a painful reminder of the Holocaust’s impact. Ultimately, the protagonist’s decision to leave these items behind signifies her resolve to move forward and find closure. 

Through this exploration of belongings, Minco portrays how memory intertwines with personal history, allowing the protagonist to reconcile her past and forge a path toward emotional healing and self-discovery.

Q2: How does the protagonist’s decision to leave Mrs. Dorling’s home without taking any of her mother’s belongings symbolise her emotional resolution in the story?

A2: The protagonist’s decision not to take any of her mother’s belongings from Mrs. Dorling’s home signifies a significant emotional resolution in “The Address” by Marga Minco. 

By choosing to leave these items behind, she acknowledges that material possessions cannot replace what was lost during the Holocaust—her family and the life they once had. It shows her acceptance of the past and a willingness to let go of physical reminders that hold painful memories. 

This decision also reflects her emotional growth and ability to move forward, demonstrating a shift from being haunted by the past to finding a sense of closure. Ultimately, leaving the belongings untouched represents her internal journey towards peace and the beginning of a new chapter in her life.

Q3: Analyse the impact of the Holocaust on familial connections and personal identity as depicted through the protagonist’s interactions with Mrs Dorling.

A3: In “The Address” by Marga Minco, the Holocaust profoundly impacts familial connections and personal identity, as depicted through the protagonist’s interactions with Mrs. Dorling. The protagonist’s search for her mother’s belongings after the war highlights the devastating loss and disconnection wrought by the Holocaust. ‘

Mrs Dorling, who takes in these possessions out of kindness but also a necessity, symbolises the complexities survivors faced—struggling to preserve memories amid a shattered world. The interactions underscore themes of survival, guilt, and the tentative bonds formed in a post-war landscape. 

Through Mrs Dorling, the protagonist confronts the fragility of memory and the stark reality of what was lost, highlighting how the Holocaust reshaped familial ties and individual identity in its aftermath, echoing the broader impact on countless families across Europe.

Q4: How does Marga Minco use symbolism, such as the Hanukkah candle holder and the antique silver, to deepen the story’s exploration of loss and survival?

A4: The Hanukkah candle holder represents tradition and continuity, contrasting sharply with the upheaval and disruption caused by the Holocaust. Its presence in Mrs Dorling’s home suggests a thread of resilience and perseverance in tragedy. 

Similarly, the antique silver symbolises wealth and heritage, cherished possessions that embody the family’s history and culture. Yet Mrs. Dorling’s removal from the protagonist’s home reflects the harsh realities of wartime survival, where preserving such items becomes a measure of safeguarding memories and identity. 

Through these symbols, Minco poignantly portrays how material objects can transcend their physical form as saddening reminders of what was lost and what endures in the face of overwhelming adversity.

Q5: Compare and contrast the protagonist’s initial reluctance to visit Mrs. Dorling’s home with her eventual decision to return. What drives this transformation?

A5: Initially, the protagonist in “The Address” shows reluctance to visit Mrs. Dorling’s home, fearing the emotional weight of confronting her mother’s belongings and the memories they hold from before the Holocaust. 

The reluctance stems from a mix of fear, grief, and the overwhelming nature of revisiting the past. However, her curiosity and desire to reconnect with her history drive a transformation over time. She returns to Mrs. Dorling’s home, motivated to understand and reconcile with her past. This transformation is fueled by a gradual acceptance of her history and a realisation that facing these memories is essential for her emotional healing and closure. 

Ultimately, her return signifies a shift from avoidance to acknowledgement, marking a pivotal moment in her journey towards self-discovery and coming to terms with her familial legacy.

Important Passages from “The Address” by Marga Minco:

1. Introduction and Recognition:

“‘Do you still know me?’ I asked.”

  • The speaker is asking someone if they remember or recognise who she is. It suggests that the speaker hopes to be recognised by the person at the door.

“She held her hand on the door as though she wanted to prevent it opening any further. Her face gave absolutely no sign of recognition.”

  • The speaker notices that the person at the door (who turns out to be Mrs. Dorling) seems hesitant to open the door fully. Mrs Dorling’s face shows no expression of recognising the speaker, which means she doesn’t remember who the speaker is or that she is pretending.
Context: The opening lines set the stage for the rest of the story. They show the initial encounter between the speaker and Mrs. Dorling, where the speaker’s hope for recognition is met with Mrs. Dorling’s lack of acknowledgement. This adds emotional depth to the story as the daughter seeks to reconnect with her mother’s past.

2. Revelation and Confirmation:

“The woman let go of the door and stepped to the side. She was wearing my mother’s green knitted cardigan.”

  • Mrs. Dorling, the woman at the door, moves aside and reveals that she is wearing a cardigan from the speaker’s mother. This cardigan triggers a memory for the speaker and confirms that this is Mrs Dorling, the person she came to visit.

“But I knew now that I was right.”

  • This sentence confirms the speaker’s suspicion or belief that the woman at the door was Mrs. Dorling. Seeing her wearing the cardigan makes the speaker sure she has found the right person.

3. Discussion of Mrs. Dorling’s Actions:

“‘Every time she leaves here she takes something home with her,’ said my mother.”

  • Here, the speaker’s mother is talking about Mrs. Dorling’s habit. Whenever Mrs. Dorling visits their home, she takes something with her when she leaves. This indicates that Mrs. Dorling has been helping to protect their belongings during a difficult time, likely during or after the war.

“‘If we have to leave here we shall lose everything, she says.’”

  • This line continues the discussion about Mrs. Dorling. She tells the speaker’s mother that if they are forced to leave their home, they will lose all their possessions. Mrs Dorling seems concerned about preserving their belongings and offers to take them to keep them safe.
Context: Mrs Dorling’s actions illustrate a complex ethical dilemma. While she claims to safeguard the family’s possessions, her methods could be seen as opportunistic or exploitative.

The story reflects the moral ambiguity of wartime interactions, where individuals may resort to questionable means to protect themselves or others, sometimes blurring the lines between assistance and self-interest.

4. Initial Visit and Description:

“I found myself in the midst of things I did want to see again but which oppressed me in the strange atmosphere.”

  • The speaker describes their feelings upon returning to Mrs. Dorling’s house. They see objects and items they want to see again, possibly belongings or memories of their mother. However, being surrounded by these things makes the speaker feel oppressed or uncomfortable due to the strange atmosphere in the house.
Context: Upon returning, the speaker experiences mixed emotions. They are glad to see familiar items that hold memories of their mother. Still, the atmosphere in Mrs Dorling’s house feels unsettling or oppressive, possibly due to the way things are arranged or the memories they evoke.

5.  Conversation with Mrs. Dorling’s Daughter:

“‘Once we even ate off the plates hanging there on the wall. I wanted to so much. But it wasn’t anything special.’”

  • Mrs. Dorling’s daughter discusses the plates on the wall as decoration. She recalls when they used those plates for eating, but she finds it wasn’t as exciting or memorable as she had imagined, unlike the narrator’s attachment to her mother’s belongings. 

“I stopped, horrified. I was in a room I knew and did not know…”

  • Here, the speaker (Mrs. S’s daughter) describes her reaction upon entering Mrs. Dorling’s house. She recognises some things from her past, but how they are arranged, and the room’s atmosphere makes her feel uncomfortable and overwhelmed.

“I found myself in the midst of things I did want to see again but which oppressed me in the strange atmosphere…”

  • The speaker continues to reflect on her conflicting emotions. She wants to see items that remind her of her mother and past. Still, how they are presented or the room’s atmosphere (possibly due to unpleasant smells or unattractive furniture) makes her uneasy.

“‘I remember my mother once asked me if I would help her polish the silver…”

  • The speaker reminisces when her mother asks her to help polish the silverware (spoons, forks, knives). This memory is significant because it shows how everyday objects, like the silverware they used for meals, held a deeper meaning that the speaker didn’t fully appreciate at the time.
Context: The daughter of Mrs. Dorling shares memories and experiences related to household items, which evokes the speaker’s nostalgia and curiosity. However, the atmosphere and arrangement of the items in Mrs. Dorling’s house create a sense of discomfort and unfamiliarity for the speaker, contrasting with her desire to reconnect with her past.

The excerpts highlight the themes of memory, nostalgia, and the impact of wartime experiences on personal relationships and belongings. They show how objects can hold significant emotional value and trigger deep reflections on the past for the speaker.

6. Decision to Move On:

“I resolved to forget the address. Of all the things I had to forget, that would be the easiest.”

  • The speaker makes a decision or a resolution. They try to forget the address of the house they visited (Number 46, Marconi Street). The speaker reflects that forgetting this specific address would be the simplest or least complicated among all the things they need to forget or let go of.
Concluding passage: After the visit, standing at the street corner, the speaker decides to consciously forget the address of Mrs. Dorling’s house. This decision suggests the speaker is ready to move on from dwelling on the past and the memories associated with that place. It reflects a desire to let go of memories that may be painful or difficult to confront, signalling a turning point in their emotional journey.

These lines capture the theme of closure and moving forward after revisiting the past, illustrating the speaker’s internal process of coming to terms with their history while looking towards the future.

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