Class 11 “We’re Not Afraid to Die…” Full Analysis

Class 11 “We're Not Afraid to Die...”

Chapter 2, “We’re Not Afraid to Die…if We Can All Be Together” Summary, Theme, MCQ, Vocabulary, Important Passages, Character Sketches, Question and Answers.

Chapter 2- We’re Not Afraid to Die… if We Can All Be Together by Gordon Cook and Alan East

Also Read: Class 11 “The Laburnum Top” by Ted Hughes

Supplementary Reader: Class 11 ‘Snapshots


  • Ashore: On or to the shore, especially of the sea.
  • Atrocious: Extremely bad or unpleasant.
  • Bulged: Swollen or protruding outward.
  • Chartroom: A room on a ship where nautical charts and instruments are used for navigation.
  • Drift: The movement or flow of a boat or ship caused by wind, currents, or waves.
  • Dreaded: Feared or regarded with great apprehension.
  • Fitting out: Equipping or outfitting a boat with necessary gear and supplies.
  • Gales: Strong winds, typically accompanied by heavy rain or snow.
  • Hull: The main body of a ship or boat, excluding the masts, superstructure, and rigging.
  • Life-raft drill: A practice session for using a life raft in an emergency.
  • Lifelines: Lines or ropes rigged around a ship’s deck for safety, especially in rough weather.
  • Magnetic variation: The angle between magnetic and true north at a specific location.
  • Main boom: The horizontal spar or pole extending from the bottom of a sailing vessel’s mast to support the mainsail’s foot.
  • Mast: A tall vertical pole on a ship or boat that supports sails or rigging.
  • Mayday: A distress signal ships and aircraft use to indicate that they are in grave and imminent danger and require immediate assistance.
  • Mooring rope: This is used to secure a boat to a dock or anchor.
  • Oilskins: Waterproof clothing worn by sailors to protect against rain and spray.
  • Paraffin: A wax used as a fuel for lamps or heaters.
  • Port: The left-hand side of a ship when facing forward.
  • Rigging: The system of ropes, cables, and chains used to support and control the masts, sails, and other equipment on a sailing vessel.
  • Routine: A regular, fixed course of action or procedure.
  • Sea anchor: A device stabilising a boat in rough seas by creating drag in the water.
  • Sextant: A navigational instrument used to measure the angle between celestial objects and the horizon to determine a ship’s position.
  • Starboard: The right-hand side of a ship when facing forward.
  • Starboard: The right-hand side of a ship when facing forward.
  • Wake: The trail left behind a ship moving through the water.
  • Westerly currents: Ocean currents that flow from west to east.
  • Sextant: A navigational instrument used to measure the angle between two objects, typically the horizon and a celestial body, to determine the ship’s latitude and longitude.
  • Seafaring: Travelling by sea, especially as a profession.
  • Honing our seafaring skills: This expression suggests that the individuals mentioned in the text, likely the narrator and his family, have been actively working to improve and refine their abilities and knowledge of sailing and navigating at sea. They have been practising and gaining experience to become better sailors.
  • Pinpricks in the vast ocean: Describes small or insignificant points or locations in the ocean’s vastness. It implies that the islands mentioned are tiny and almost negligible compared to the vastness of the ocean surrounding them.
  • Ominous silence: Describes a threatening or foreboding silence. It suggests that the silence observed by the narrator was unsettling and hinted at the possibility of impending danger or trouble.
  • A tousled head: Refers to a person’s dishevelled or messy hair, likely due to rough conditions or not having had the opportunity to groom appropriately. It implies that the person’s appearance is unkempt.
  • Mayday calls: Refers to distress calls made by ships or aircraft to signal that they are in immediate danger and require urgent assistance. It is used when the safety or survival of the individuals on board is at risk, and they need help from external sources such as other ships or rescue services.

Main Characters: 

  • The narrator (Gordon Cook) is the individual recounting the story’s events, who is the husband and father in the family embarking on the round-the-world voyage.
  • Mary: She is the narrator’s wife and the mother of Jonathan and Suzanne. She plays a crucial role in supporting her family and assisting in navigating through the crisis at sea.
  • Jonathan: The 6-year-old son of the narrator and Mary, who displays resilience and bravery despite the dangers they face.
  • Suzanne: The 7-year-old daughter of the narrator and Mary, who also shows courage and strength during the harrowing experience at sea.
  • Larry Vigil and Herb Seigler: These crew members join the family in Cape Town to assist with the voyage. They contribute to the teamwork and survival efforts during the crisis.

Summary “We’re Not Afraid to Die”:

“We’re Not Afraid to Die …if We Can All Be Together,” the harrowing narrative by Gordon Cook and Alan East, recounts his family’s 1976 round-the-world sailing journey, replicating Captain James Cook‘s route. Confronted by a massive storm in the southern Indian Ocean, the family battled a colossal wave that severely damaged their boat, Wavewalker.

Enduring sinking, injuries, and scarce supplies, their 36-hour struggle showcased resilience, relentless pumping, and makeshift repairs. Guided by Gordon’s determination and his children’s unwavering faith, they miraculously reached the remote Ile Amsterdam, emphasising human endurance and familial bonds against overwhelming odds.

Theme “We’re Not Afraid to Die”:

Resilience Amidst Adversity:

The story revolves around resilience and family bonding amidst adversity. It highlights the challenges the narrator, his family, and crew members face when encountering a life-threatening situation at sea. Despite facing treacherous weather conditions, a devastating wave, and extensive damage to their boat, the characters demonstrate resilience, determination, and courage in their struggle for survival.

Throughout the ordeal, the family members support and comfort each other, showcasing the strength of their familial bond. The story underscores the importance of resilience, teamwork, and unwavering support in overcoming obstacles and navigating life’s most daunting challenges.

Character Sketches: 

Gordon Cook:

The story’s narrator is a determined, resourceful, and resilient individual who recounts the harrowing experience at sea. Here’s a character sketch of the narrator based on the text:

  • Courageous and Determined: The narrator demonstrates courage and determination in extreme adversity. Despite encountering treacherous weather conditions, facing a devastating wave, and witnessing extensive damage to their boat, the narrator remains resolute in his efforts to ensure the survival of his family and crew.
  • Protective and Responsible: As the head of the family and the vessel’s captain, the narrator feels deeply responsible for the safety and well-being of his loved ones and crew members. He takes charge of the situation, making crucial decisions and taking action to mitigate the dangers they face.
  • Resourceful and Quick-Thinking: Throughout the crisis at sea, the narrator displays resourcefulness and quick-thinking in devising solutions to address their challenges. Whether repairing the damaged hull, improvising makeshift repairs, or finding alternative methods to pump out water, the narrator utilises his ingenuity to navigate the crisis.
  • Compassionate and Supportive: Despite the dire circumstances, the narrator remains humane and supportive of his family and crew members. He comforts, reassures, and encourages his children and wife, fostering a sense of unity and solidarity amidst the chaos.
  • Reflective and Appreciative: The narrator reflects on the gravity of the situation and expresses gratitude for the strength and resilience displayed by his family and crew members. He acknowledges the importance of their collective efforts in overcoming the challenges and surviving the ordeal.

The narrator emerges as a strong, capable leader who exemplifies courage, resilience, and perseverance in adversity. His steadfast commitment to his family and crew is a testament to the power of human endurance and the strength of the human spirit.


Mary, the narrator’s wife in the story, possesses several key qualities contributing to the family’s survival and resilience during their perilous journey at sea. Here’s a character sketch of Mary based on the text:

  • Steadfast and Supportive: Mary is portrayed as a dedicated and supportive partner to the narrator throughout the ordeal at sea. Despite the challenging circumstances, she stands by her husband’s side, offering him encouragement, assistance, and unwavering support in navigating the crisis.
  • Protective Mother: As a mother, Mary demonstrates a deep sense of care and protection towards her children, Jonathan and Suzanne. She remains composed even in the face of danger, prioritising the safety and well-being of her family above all else.
  • Resilient and Resourceful: Mary exhibits resilience and resourcefulness when coping with the challenges of the sea voyage. She adapts to the changing circumstances, actively participates in the efforts to address the crisis, and remains calm under pressure, contributing to the family’s collective resilience and survival.
  • Compassionate and Empathetic: Mary’s compassion and empathy shine through her interactions with her family and crew members. She offers comfort and reassurance to her children during moments of fear and uncertainty, demonstrating her ability to provide emotional support and stability amidst chaos.
  • Determined and Courageous: Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them, Mary displays determination and courage in confronting the dangers at sea. She remains steadfast in her resolve to overcome adversity, drawing strength from her familial bonds and unwavering commitment to her loved ones.

Mary emerges as a resilient, compassionate, and courageous individual who plays a pivotal role in guiding her family through the challenges of their arduous journey. Her unwavering support, resourcefulness, and unwavering commitment to her family epitomise the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.


Brave and Resilient:

  • Demonstrates remarkable courage and resilience despite his young age.
  • Faces danger with composure and bravery, contributing to the family’s strength during the crisis.

Protective Brother:

  • Shows a strong sense of protectiveness towards his younger sister, Suzanne.
  • Offers comfort and reassurance to Suzanne, displaying a deep bond and commitment to her safety.

Optimistic and Hopeful:

  • Maintains a positive outlook and hopeful attitude even in dire situations.
  • His optimism inspires his family members and instils courage and determination.

Adaptable and Quick to Learn:

  • Demonstrates adaptability and a willingness to learn in unfamiliar circumstances.
  • Quickly adjusts to life’s challenges at sea, showing resilience and a capacity to adapt.

Supportive Son:

  • Offers support and assistance to his parents during moments of crisis.
  • Contributes actively to the family’s collective efforts to overcome challenges and survive.

Jonathan’s bravery, resilience, optimism, adaptability, and supportive nature are vital in the family’s ability to persevere through the trials they face at sea.


Courageous and Resilient:

  • Demonstrates courage and resilience despite her young age.
  • Faces adversity with determination and strength, contributing to the family’s unity during the crisis.

Loving Sister:

  • Displays a caring and protective attitude towards her brother, Jonathan.
  • She shares a deep bond with Jonathan and seeks to comfort and support him during challenging times.

Adaptable and Understanding:

  • Shows adaptability and understanding in unfamiliar situations.
  • Adjusts to life’s challenges at sea with maturity beyond her years, contributing positively to the family dynamic.

Compassionate and Empathetic:

  • Displays compassion and empathy towards her family members.
  • Offers emotional support and understanding, fostering a sense of unity and solidarity amidst adversity.

Hopeful and Optimistic:

  • Maintains a bright outlook, even in danger.
  • Her positive attitude uplifts the spirits of her family members and inspires perseverance under challenging circumstances.

Suzanne’s courage, resilience, compassion, adaptability, and optimism contribute significantly to the family’s strength and ability to navigate the challenges they encounter at sea.

Question Answers “We’re Not Afraid to Die”:

Understanding the text:  

Q1: List the steps taken by the captain 

(i) to protect the ship when rough weather began. 

(ii) to check the flooding of the water in the ship. 

A1: (i) Steps taken by the captain to protect the ship when rough weather began:

  • Dropped the storm jib to slow down the boat.
  • Lashed a heavy mooring rope across the stern.
  • Double-lashed everything on deck.
  • Went through a life-raft drill and attached lifelines.
  • Donned oilskins and life jackets.
  • Waited for the rough weather to pass.

(ii) Steps taken by the captain to check the water flooding in the ship:

  • Investigated the extent of damage and flooding below deck.
  • Found the ship was full of water, and the decks were smashed.
  • Canvas and waterproof hatch covers were used to seal gaping holes in the hull.
  • Employed hand pumps and an electric pump to remove water from the ship.
  • Connected an additional electric pump found under the chartroom floor to aid in pumping out water.

Q2: Describe the mental condition of the voyagers on 4 and 5 January. 

A2: On January 4 and 5, the mental condition of the voyagers was one of desperation and despair. They were faced with the realisation that their ship, Wavewalker, was severely damaged and sinking. Despite their efforts to pump out water and seal holes in the hull, the situation seemed dire. The crew faced exhaustion, fear, and uncertainty about their survival. However, amidst the adversity, they clung to hope and persevered to find a way to safety.

Q3: Describe the shifts in the narration of the events as indicated in the three sections of the text. Give a subtitle to each section.

A3: Following are the three sections where shifts in the narration occurred:

Section 1: Battling the Elements

  • This section details the crew’s initial encounters with rough weather and the measures they took to protect the ship from the onslaught of gales and gigantic waves.

Section 2: Fighting for Survival

  • In this section, the narrative intensifies as the crew faces the aftermath of a devastating wave that damages the ship and causes it to take on water. The focus shifts to the desperate struggle to pump out water, repair the damage, and keep the vessel afloat amidst worsening conditions.

Section 3: Hope on the Horizon

  • This section marks a turning point in the story as the crew spots land and navigates towards safety. It highlights the crew’s resilience, determination, and eventual triumph as they overcome immense challenges and find hope amidst the vast ocean.

Talking about the text: 

Discuss the following questions with your partner. 

Q1: What difference did you notice between the reaction of the adults and the children when faced with danger? 

A1: I noticed that the adults urgently responded to danger and focused on practical solutions. They worked tirelessly to protect the ship and ensure the safety of everyone on board. In contrast, the children displayed bravery and resilience beyond their years.

And supportive, comforting their parents and siblings. It was inspiring to see how each group handled the situation in their own way yet complemented each other’s responses.

Q2: How does the story suggest that optimism helps to endure “the direst stress”? 

A2: The story suggests optimism is crucial in assisting individuals through “the direst stress.” Despite facing overwhelming challenges and uncertainties, the crew maintained a positive outlook and refused to succumb to despair.

Their optimism fueled their determination to overcome obstacles and solve their predicament. It served as a source of strength and resilience, enabling them to persevere through the darkest moments and ultimately find hope amidst adversity.

Q3: What lessons do we learn from such hazardous experiences when facing death? 

A3: Hazardous experiences, when faced with death, teach us valuable lessons about resilience, courage, and the fragility of life. They remind us of the importance of remaining calm, resourceful, and supportive in times of crisis.

Such experiences also deepen our appreciation for life and strengthen our bonds with loved ones. They teach us to cherish each moment and embrace the challenges that come our way, knowing that adversity can often lead to personal growth and resilience.

Q4: Why do you think people undertake such adventurous expeditions despite the risks involved?

A4: People undertake adventurous expeditions despite risks because they seek excitement, challenge, and personal growth opportunities. The allure of exploring new places, pushing physical and mental limits, and experiencing the thrill of adventure motivates individuals to embark on risky journeys. 

Additionally, adventurous expeditions offer a chance to break free from routine, discover new perspectives, and create lasting memories. While the risks are acknowledged, the potential rewards of adventure, self-discovery, and unforgettable experiences outweigh the fears and uncertainties associated with the journey.

Thinking about language: 

Q1: We have come across words like ‘gale’ and ‘storm’ in the account. Here are two more words for ‘storm’: typhoon, cyclone. How many words does your language have for ‘storm’?

A1: In Hindi, there are several words for ‘storm’, including:

  • तूफ़ान (toofan)
  • चक्रवात (chakravaat)

Q2: Here are the terms for different kinds of vessels: yacht, boat, canoe, ship, steamer, schooner. Think of similar terms in your language. 

A2: Similar terms for different kinds of vessels in Hindi include

  • जहाज़ (jahaz) for ship.
  • नाव (naav) for boat.
  • कनू (kanu) for canoe.

Q3: ‘Catamaran’ is a kind of a boat. Do you know which Indian language this word is derived from? Check the dictionary. 

A3: ‘Catamaran’ is a kind of boat, and the word is derived from the Tamil language, spoken predominantly in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka, and Singapore. This connection showcases the influence of Indian languages on maritime terminology.

Q4: Have you heard any boatmen’s songs? What kind of emotions do these songs usually express?

A4: Boatmen’s songs, known as ‘नौकायनी गीत’ (naukayani geet) or ‘नौका गीत’ (nauka geet) in Hindi, are often sung by boatmen while rowing their boats. These songs express various emotions, including longing, love, devotion, and the joys and hardships of life on the water.

They reflect the cultural and social experiences of the boatmen, as well as their connection to nature and the river.

Working with words: 

1. The following words used in the text as ship terminology are also commonly used in another sense. In what contexts would you use the other meaning? (Homonyms)

A1: Here are the alternative meanings of the ship terminology used in the text:

  • Knot: In the context of speed, a knot is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour. In another context, a knot can refer to a tangled or twisted mass in a length of cord, yarn, or the like and a method of fastening or securing something.
  • Stern: In addition to referring to the rear part of a ship, “stern” can also mean strict or severe in manner or attitude.
  • Boom: Apart from being a horizontal spar attached to the mast of a sailboat, “boom” can refer to a sudden, loud, deep sound.
  • Hatch: A hatch is an opening in the deck of a ship, but it can also refer to a door or opening in a building’s floor, ceiling, or roof.
  • Anchor: Besides being a device dropped by a ship to hold it in place, “anchor” can mean a person or thing that provides stability or confidence in an otherwise uncertain situation.

2. The following three compound words end in -ship. What does each of them mean? (Compound words ‘-ship’ have different connotations). 

A2: The compound words ending in -ship have the following meanings:

  • Airship: A buoyant aircraft that navigates through the air, typically using propellers or engines. It’s a lighter-than-air craft like a zeppelin or blimp.
  • Flagship: The leading or most important ship in a fleet, and by extension, the most important or prominent vessel owned or used by an organisation.
  • Lightship: A ship equipped with a beacon of light to warn or guide other ships, especially in coastal areas or hazardous waters.

3. The following are the meanings listed in the dictionary against the phrase ‘take on’. In which meaning is it used in the third paragraph of the account: (Phrasal Verbs)

Take on (something): to begin to have a particular quality or  appearance; to assume sth 

Take (somebody) on: to employ sb; to engage sb

                                     to accept sb as one’s opponent in a game, contest or conflict.

Take sb/sth on: to decide to do sth; to allow sth/sb to enter, e.g. a 

                            bus, plane or ship; to take sth/sb on board

A3: In the third paragraph of the account, “take on” is used in the meaning:

  • Take (somebody) on: to employ sb

In the context of the text, the phrase “took on two crewmen” means that the crewmen began to have the quality or appearance of being part of the crew by joining the voyage.

Extra Questions “We’re Not Afraid to Die”

Short Answer Type:

Q1: What circumstances led the family to embark on their sailing journey?

A1: The family, consisting of Gordon Cook, his wife Mary, and their children Jonathan and Suzanne, embarked on a round-the-world sailing journey in July 1976. They aimed to replicate Captain James Cook’s voyage and had prepared extensively for it over many years.

Q2: Describe the weather conditions and challenges faced by the family during their voyage.

A2: During their voyage, the family encountered strong gales and monstrous waves, some reaching up to 15 meters high. They faced continuous lousy weather, worsening as they sailed through the southern Indian Ocean. Their boat, Wavewalker, sustained severe damage, including smashed decks and a leaking hull.

Q3: How did Gordon Cook react when faced with the impending disaster?

A3: Gordon Cook displayed remarkable courage and determination when faced with an impending catastrophe. He took charge of the situation, making quick decisions to assess the damage, secure the boat, and attempt repairs despite the dangerous conditions. He also comforted and reassured his family amidst the chaos.

Q4: What were the emotional and physical challenges faced by the family during the ordeal?

A4: The family endured immense physical and emotional difficulties during the ordeal. They sustained injuries, including broken ribs and head trauma, while struggling to keep the boat afloat. The children, especially Suzanne, showed remarkable resilience despite their injuries and the terrifying circumstances.

Q5: How did the family eventually find hope and salvation?

A5: Despite facing numerous setbacks, including losing crucial equipment and navigation aids, Gordon Cook’s perseverance and resourcefulness ultimately led them to salvation.

Through his calculations and determination, they miraculously discovered Ile Amsterdam, a small island in the vast ocean, where they found refuge and assistance from its inhabitants.

Q6: How did Gordon Cook’s leadership and problem-solving skills contribute to the family’s survival?

A6: Gordon Cook’s leadership and problem-solving skills were instrumental in the family’s survival. He remained calm under extreme pressure, assessed the situation pragmatically, and devised innovative solutions to address the challenges they faced.

His ability to make tough decisions, such as rigging makeshift repairs and navigating without proper equipment, ensured the family’s continued safety and eventual rescue.

Q7: What role did the children, Jonathan and Suzanne, play in maintaining morale and resilience during the crisis?

A7: Jonathan and Suzanne, despite their young age, demonstrated remarkable courage and resilience throughout the crisis. They remained positive and supportive, comforting their parents and each other during moments of despair.

Their unwavering faith in their family’s unity and their ability to find solace and humour amidst the chaos inspired and strengthened everyone on board.

Q8: How did the family’s ordeal strengthen their bonds and perspective on life?

A8: The family’s harrowing ordeal forged an unbreakable bond among its members. They faced death together and emerged stronger as a unit. The experience deepened their appreciation for life, resilience, and the importance of cherishing each moment with loved ones.

It taught them the value of courage, love, and unwavering faith in the face of adversity.

Q9: Reflecting on the events, what lessons can be gleaned from the family’s journey?

A9: The family’s journey teaches invaluable lessons about resilience, adaptability, and the human spirit. It underscores the importance of preparation, perseverance, and maintaining hope in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.

Their story reminds us of the power of familial love, courage, and determination to overcome even the most daunting obstacles.

Q10: How might the family’s experience inspire others facing adversity in their own lives?

A10: The family’s experience provides hope and inspiration for those confronting adversity. It demonstrates that even in the darkest moments, resilience, determination, and the support of loved ones can lead to survival and eventual triumph.

Their story encourages others never to lose faith in themselves and persevere in the face of adversity, knowing there is always a glimmer of hope even amidst the storm.

Long Answer Type: 

Q1: What challenges did the Cook family encounter while sailing in the southern Indian Ocean?

A1: While sailing in the southern Indian Ocean, the Cook family encountered severe gales and monstrous waves with heights up to 15 meters. Despite their experience, the size of the waves was alarming and posed a significant threat to their vessel, Wavewalker. The relentless gales persisted for weeks, creating treacherous conditions and testing the crew’s endurance. 

The constant battering from the elements strained the ship and its systems, including the auxiliary engine, which became inoperable after a massive wave struck the vessel. These challenges made navigation and survival incredibly difficult for the Cook family as they battled the elements in one of the world’s roughest seas.

Q2: What pivotal moment led to the near-catastrophic event for the Cook family while at sea?

A2: The crucial moment that led to the near-catastrophic event for the Cook family at sea occurred when they encountered an enormous wave while sailing in the southern Indian Ocean.

At dawn on January 2, an ominous silence preceded the appearance of a colossal wave, towering almost twice the height of others, with a frightening breaking crest. 

Despite their attempts to prepare for the impact, the wave struck Wavewalker with tremendous force, causing significant damage to the vessel and injuring the crew.

The impact shattered the starboard side, flooding the boat and jeopardising their survival. This moment marked the beginning of a harrowing ordeal as the Cook family fought to save their lives and their ship amidst the raging seas.

Q3: How did Jonathan and Suzanne react to their father’s role as captain during the crisis at sea?

A3: Jonathan and Suzanne, the children of the Cook family, displayed remarkable resilience and trust in their father’s role as captain during the crisis at sea. Despite the scary situation, they remained calm and supported their father’s efforts to navigate the treacherous conditions.

Jonathan, in particular, expressed his faith in his father’s abilities by seeking reassurance, indicating his belief in his father’s leadership and capability to steer them to safety. 

Even though suffering from injuries, Suzanne also demonstrated her trust in her father’s competence by remaining composed and encouraging him. Their unwavering confidence in their father’s leadership was crucial in maintaining the family’s morale during the harrowing ordeal at sea.

Q4: Discuss the role of teamwork and determination in the Cook family’s survival narrative.

A4: Teamwork and determination were central to the Cook family’s survival narrative during their ordeal at sea. Despite overwhelming challenges, the family worked cohesively, leveraging their strengths to confront the crisis.

Each family member contributed to the collective effort, from Gordon’s leadership and navigation skills to Mary’s support and assistance in managing the situation. 

Larry and Herb, the crew members, played vital roles in aiding the family during the crisis. Their determination to overcome adversity and persevere through the storm reflected their unwavering resolve to survive.

Together, they faced the relentless elements, repaired critical damage to the vessel, and maintained hope amidst uncertainty. Through their collaborative efforts and unwavering determination, the Cook family exemplified the power of unity and resilience in the face of adversity.

Q5: How did the Cook family survive the aftermath of the massive wave hitting their boat?

A5: The Cook family survived the aftermath of the enormous wave hitting their boat through quick thinking, resourcefulness, and unwavering determination. The family immediately acted after the wave struck, causing significant damage and flooding the vessel.

They assessed the extent of the damage, secured the boat as best they could, and implemented emergency measures to address the flooding and structural integrity issues. 

The father and captain Gordon Cook led the efforts to stabilise the boat and make essential repairs. At the same time, Mary and the children assisted in pumping water, patching leaks, and maintaining morale.

Despite sustaining injuries and facing daunting odds, they remained resilient and committed to staying afloat until help arrived, showcasing their remarkable survival instincts and resilience in the face of adversity.

Q6: Explain the significance of Ile Amsterdam in the Cook family’s survival story.

A6: Ile Amsterdam is significant in the Cook family’s survival story, symbolising hope and salvation amidst their dire circumstances. After a devastating ordeal at sea, including a massive wave severely damaging their boat, the family spotted Ile Amsterdam, a remote volcanic island, on the horizon. This isolated landmass represented a beacon of refuge and safety in the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean. 

Despite their challenges, including injuries, limited resources, and uncertainty about their location, reaching Ile Amsterdam became their lifeline. The island’s inhabitants welcomed them with open arms, offering assistance and support, marking a pivotal moment of relief and survival in the Cook family’s extraordinary journey of resilience and determination.

MCQs “We’re Not Afraid to Die…”:

Important Lines “We’re Not Afraid to Die”

1. “On our second day out of Cape Town, we began to encounter strong gales.” The narrative highlights the challenging weather conditions as the family encounters strong gales on the second day out of Cape Town, setting the stage for the difficulties they will face on their voyage.

3. “The waves were gigantic. We were sailing with only a small storm jib and were still making eight knots.” The author describes the alarming size of the waves, reaching up to 15 meters, and the concern this raises. Despite the storm, the boat is still making eight knots, showcasing the intensity of the weather.

3. “The first indication of impending disaster came at about 6 p.m., with an ominous silence.” The line indicates a shift in the situation, foreshadowing a disaster. The ominous silence and the mention of the time (6 p.m.) create a suspenseful atmosphere, preparing the reader for a critical event in the story.

4. “A torrent of green and white water broke over the ship, my head smashed into the wheel and I was aware of flying overboard and sinking below the waves.” This line describes a dramatic moment when a massive wave breaks over the ship, causing chaos and endangering the crew. The author’s head is injured as he is thrown overboard and into the turbulent water, highlighting the severity of the situation.

5 “Mary appeared. ‘We’re sinking!’ she screamed. ‘The decks are smashed; we’re full of water.” Mary’s urgent declaration conveys the gravity of the ship’s condition. Her scream indicates the immediate danger they face as she reports the damage and flooding on the ship, emphasising the urgency of their predicament.

6. “But unless the wind and seas abated so we could hoist sail, our chances would be slim indeed.” The author reflects on their dire circumstances if the harsh weather conditions persist. The inability to hoist sail due to the strong winds and rough seas diminishes their chances of survival, highlighting the desperate nature of their situation.

7. “We had survived for 15 hours since the wave hit, but Wavewalker wouldn’t hold together long enough for us to reach Australia.” This line highlights the crew’s resilience amidst adversity. Despite surviving for 15 hours following the impact of a massive wave, the extent of the damage to the ship leaves them with little hope of reaching their intended destination, Australia.

8. “Jon asked, ‘Daddy, are we going to die?This question illustrates the innocence and vulnerability of the children during the crisis. Jonathan’s question reflects his fear and uncertainty about their survival, highlighting the gravity of the situation and its impact on the family.

9. “Wavewalker rode out the storm and by the morning of January 6, with the wind easing, I tried to get a reading on the sextant.” This line marks a turning point in the story as the storm begins to subside, offering a glimmer of hope for the crew. The author’s attempt to use the sextant indicates their determination to navigate and find their way to safety amidst the chaos and uncertainty.

10. “Sue, moving painfully, joined me. The left side of her head was now very swollen and her blackened eyes narrowed to slits.” Sue’s appearance alongside the author amidst her pain and injuries demonstrates her resilience and courage in adversity. Despite her physical discomfort, she joins the author in their efforts, embodying the spirit of perseverance and determination.

11. “About 2 p.m., I went on deck and asked Larry to steer a course of 185 degrees. If we were lucky, I told him with a conviction I did not feel, he could expect to see the island at about 5 p.m.” The line portrays the author’s strategic decision-making as they navigate through the challenges of the storm. The specific direction given to Larry and the timeframe set for reaching the island reflect the author’s resourcefulness and determination to guide the crew to safety.

12. “Can I have a hug?’ Jonathan asked. Sue was right behind him. ‘Why am I getting a hug now?’ I asked. ‘Because you are the best daddy in the whole world — and the best captain,’ my son replied.” Jonathan’s request for a hug and his heartfelt words highlight the emotional bond between the father and his children amidst the dangerous situation. Despite the looming danger, Jonathan’s expression of love and admiration for his father uplifts the crew’s spirits and reinforces their resolve to persevere through the ordeal.

13. “It’s out there in front of us,” they chorused, “as big as a battleship.” I rushed on deck and gazed with relief at the stark outline of Ile Amsterdam. It was only a bleak piece of volcanic rock, with little vegetation — the most beautiful island in the world!” This exchange captures the moment of joy and relief as the crew spots Ile Amsterdam despite its seemingly unimpressive appearance. The comparison of the island’s size to that of a battleship emphasises its significance and the crew’s overwhelming sense of triumph at finally finding land after enduring a difficult journey.

14. With land under my feet again, my thoughts were full of Larry and Herbie, cheerful and optimistic under the direst stress, and of Mary, who stayed at the wheel for all those crucial hours.” This line reflects the author’s gratitude and admiration for the resilience and support of the crew members, mainly Larry and Herbie, and Mary’s unwavering dedication and strength during the crisis.

15. “Most of all, I thought of a seven-year-old girl, who did not want us to worry about a head injury (which subsequently took six minor operations to remove a recurring blood clot between skin and skull), and of a six-year-old boy who was not afraid to die.” The poignant concluding line highlights the bravery and selflessness exhibited by the author’s children, despite their young age, during the crisis. It emphasises the depth of the familial bond and the profound impact of the children’s resilience on the author’s thoughts and emotions during the tumultuous journey.

Additional Info:

Source of Chapter 2 “We’re Not Afraid to Die”:

“Gordon Cook set out from Plymouth with his wife Mary and their two very young children, Sue and Jon, to repeat the third and last voyage that Captain James Cook made in 1776.

The bicentenaries of Captain Cook’s first two voyages in 1963 and 1969 had both passed with little or nothing to celebrate them, despite huge fund-raising efforts.

When both of these bicentenary events ended in failure, Gordon vowed to sail in his own ship and repeat Captain Cook’s final voyage 200 years later in 1976. He did just that. Despite numerous problems he completed and fitted out a beautiful seventy-foot schooner, Wavewalker.

The schooner carried the Cook family to Madeira, the Canary Islands, and then 6000 miles to Rio de Janeiro. They then followed Captain Cook’s route across the South Atlantic calling at the remote island of Tristan da Cuna, before arriving in Cape Town.

Leaving Cape Town Wavewalker sailed 3,000 miles towards Australia in the worst Roaring Forties weather for many years with 60 foot waves from the West. Then a storm from the South Pole created equally large waves and the schooner was eventually overwhelmed by a huge combined wave that threw Gordon overboard and smashed through the decks, filling the schooner with sea water. Despite massive damage and against all the odds, the family kept the ship afloat and made temporary repairs.

The schooner was then hit by cyclone Clarence before sailing the last 2,000 miles voyage to Australia. Gordon was awarded the prestigious Lady Swathling Trophy by the Shipwrecked Mariner’s Society for that year’s “most outstanding act of seamanship and navigation that saved the lives of all the people on board”.

Schooner to the Southern Oceans: The Captain James Cook Bicentenary Voyage 1776-1976, by Gordon Cook, Published- 29 August 2011

About the Author: Gordon Cook:

“Gordon was originally a Physics and Mathematics teacher but then spent many years running large tourism and leisure businesses, including Warwick Castle and the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu before sailing on the bicentenary voyage.

The planned three-year voyage finally became a sixteen year epic journey after Gordon rebuilt the ship in Australia. Sue and Jon were unable to attend normal schools but despite this went on to gain doctorates from Cambridge and Cranfield Universities.”

Schooner to the Southern Oceans: The Captain James Cook Bicentenary Voyage 1776-1976, by Gordon Cook, Published- 29 August 2011

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